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DI Analyst

Who is a DI Analyst?

I am a technical specialist who collaborates with stakeholders, who include but are not limited to, Decision Makers. Together we produce customer-facing artifacts like decision framing documents that enable Decision Model Builders to build the Causal Decision Model, which is the computerized representation of the decision that supports the Decision Maker "under the hood".

Generally speaking, the decision assets I create are passed to the Decision Model Builder for refinement. In this sense, I am the "bridge" between non-DI experts and the team tasked with creating DI software solutions.

I work in the time frame before a decision is made, to help choose actions or combinations of actions.

User Stories

  1. As a DI Analyst, I want to form a team of stakeholders, so that we can collaboratively produce stakeholder-facing artifacts.
    These stakeholders will likely contribute to building a model, and should have the right authorization to access and/or modify it.
  2. As a DI Analyst, I want to work with stakeholders to elicit the decision objective statement and to write the decision framing document, so that I can ensure stakeholder alignment around the high-level purpose of their decision.
  3. As a DI Analyst, I want to work with stakeholders to create a causal decision diagram (CDD) in software, so that I can ensure stakeholder alignment regarding the Levers, Outcomes, and other decision elements involved in their decision.
  4. As a DI Analyst, I want to refine the CDD outside of stakeholder meetings, so that I can leverage my unique expertise with decision modeling to sort through the various input and discussion gathered during group elicitation.
  5. As a DI Analyst, I want to support the Decision Model Builder to create a CDM based on the CDD, so that stakeholders can eventually model scenarios or run simulations to better determine an optimal set of actions to take.
  6. As a DI Analyst, I want to provide an initial assessment of appropriate model fidelity, so that stakeholders can align around a common level of abstraction and complexity.
  7. As a DI Analyst, I want to document decision assets that are identified during decision analysis, so that the decision team and stakeholders can refer to these artifacts later.
  8. As a DI Analyst, I want the option to begin from a clean slate and build a causal decision model from scratch, so that I may think creatively and outside the bounds of existing models. This means I need to be able to create, update, or delete actions, outcomes, intermediates, and dependencies.
  9. As a DI Analyst, I want the option to be able to search a library of decision foundation models so that I may find one that may act as a starting point, inspiration, or to provide CDD elements or CDM components that can be reused.
  10. As a DI Analyst, I want to be able to use a Large Language Model, so that I may seek advice on decision elements I may have forgotten, including externals and unintended consequences.