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Decision Model Builder

Who is a Decision Model Builder?

As a Decision Model Builder, I author Causal Decision Models (CDMs) within OpenDI-compliant software systems. I may use Causal Decision Diagrams (CDDs) — possibly created by a DI Analyst — as a starting point to create the dependencies and specify the entities associated with the CDM.

I work in the time frame before a decision is made, to help choose actions or combinations of actions.

My model could be a diagram (as in the case of a CDD) or specified in code, a text file, or some other format. My role is not to connect model components to specific assets within the ecosystem, but rather to create a "scaffold" in which this can be done, by specifying the model entities and structure in advance of this specification.

In this sense, the CDM is high-level—in many cases, not necessarily a computer-executable—specification of the decision simulation.

When I am done, I hand off my CDM to the Decision Simulation Builder, whose job is to finalize the CDM so that it can be used for simulation. In other words, I act as the bridge between the DI Analyst and the Decision Simulation Builder.

User Stories

  1. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to form a team of collaborators, so that others may contribute to building and/or modifying a model.
  2. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to edit a model, to adjust its existing structure or decision elements, so that I can fix errors, incorporate new knowledge, or explore the potential of different model entities or structures.
    As part of the editing process, I may want to create, update, or delete actions, outcomes, intermediates, or other Decision Elements.
  3. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to search for model components in the asset library (maintained by the Decision Asset Manager), so that I can reuse or repurpose existing actions, outcomes, and other Decision Elements that have been used in the past by me or by others, and incorporate them into the model I am currently building.
    I may want to utilize assets in this way both while authoring new models from scratch or while editing existing models.
  4. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to search for model components that are not in the asset library, so that I can discover new assets that might be useful for a CDM.
  5. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to share decision models with others, so that others may review the model or use it for planning purposes.
  6. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to share decision models with others, so that others may build upon my work, including tailoring it for alternative circumstances.
  7. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to search for, browse, and select from entire foundation decision models that I or others have created, so that I can leverage existing knowledge and expertise in the pursuit of building new models.
  8. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to search for, browse, and select from individual actions, outcomes, or other Decision Elements that I or others have created, so that I can leverage existing knowledge and expertise in the pursuit of building new models.
  9. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to copy a foundation decision model, so that I am able to make changes to existing models that I or others have authored while preserving the previous version of a model.
    This will enable me to adapt and customize a model for use by others.
  10. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to copy individual actions, outcomes, intermediates, and dependencies from a foundation decision model or other repository, so that I am able to make changes to existing model components that I or others have authored while preserving the previous version of a model component.
    This will enable me to adapt and customize model components for use by others.
  11. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to have federated repository access, so that I can store references to models and components, allowing me to synchronize changes when these referenced assets are updated.
  12. As a Decision Model Builder, I want to alert the Decision Simulation Builder when a CDM is ready, so that the Decision Simulation Builder can prepare simulations.