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Decision Monitor Builder

Who is a Decision Monitor builder?

I am a user who will rig a Causal Decision Model to be updated with evidence of values of decision elements (e.g. intermediates, outcomes, externals, etc.), so that a Decision Monitor may evaluate whether the likelihood of achieving desirable outcomes has substantively changed, based on external circumstances that may be different from those that were assumed during decision simulation.

I work in the time frame after a decision associated with a particular CDM has been made. My job is to help to track the expected consequences of the decision against its actual impacts in reality, not simulation.

My primary role is to create computational mechanisms that detect evidence of potential future problems with outcomes and alert users to that evidence. By way of example, a particular decision model may reflect that if a competitor's pricing goes below $5, then the model assumptions that led to a particular decision have been violated, so that a decision needs to be revisited. It is my job to create a computational system that does this detection and alerting.

I work primarily with data that is reflective of real-world situations to update models that may have been used by a Decision Maker in the past or are currently being simulated by a Decision Simulation Manager.

I hand off my work to the Decision Monitor, whose job it is to deploy and manage my built decision monitor.

User Stories

  1. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to analyze the decision model, including its dependencies and assumptions, so that I can determine what values of intermediates and/or externals reflect the need to alert users.
  2. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to maintain an understanding of the relationship between key process indicators (KPIs) and decision elements, so that I can support my organization's use of KPIs.
  3. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to create dashboards or similar display mechanism that display values of intermediates and/or externals, so that I can highlight the elements to which the outcomes are particularly sensitive.
  4. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to work with decision makers, so that I can understand what constitutes the need for an alert.
  5. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to configure alerting mechanisms for various users, so that those users can receive notice of their preferred alerts.
  6. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to choose an appropriate polling frequency to check for alertable conditions, so that I can balance caution and notification overwhelm.
  7. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to consolidate multiple redundant alerts ("alarm storms") as appropriate, so that I can avoid overwhelming users with redundant alert notifications.
  8. As a Decision Monitor Builder, I want to monitor and maintain integrations with real-time data sources, so that my alerts and dashboards remain accurate, timely, and relevant.