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Decision Simulation Builder

Who is a Decision Simulation Builder?

As the Decision Simulation Builder, it is my job to receive a CDM from the Decision Model Builder and prepare it for simulation. This means that I receive the CDM along with associated decision assets that will ultimately be used when a Decision Simulation Manager runs simulations. As such, my role is that of an author who is taking the "outline" provided by the Decision Model Builder and filling in the prose that makes it readable.

I work in the time frame before a decision is made, to help choose actions or combination of actions.

User Stories

  1. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to review existing decision assets associated with the elements (actions, outcomes, intermediates, and dependencies) comprising the CDM for which I'm building a simulation, so that I can understand what data, AI models, prior simulations, etc. exist and are already available to be incorporated into the decision model for which I'm building the simulation.
  2. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be able to associate decision assets computationally with the components of a model, so that simulations can pull from repositories of sources of data and models while being executed.
  3. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be able to annotate decision assets or model components with metadata describing their status, so that I can keep track of the state, provenance, history, and suitability of an asset for association with a model component.
    This will enable me to support the work of refining model components from abstract declarations provided by the Decision Model Builder to runnable simulations of various detail and complexity that will be used by the Decision Simulation Manager.
  4. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be able to manage decision assets connect to a simulation, so that I can create, search for, update, and delete decision assets.
    This will enable me to refine existing decision models, identify new assets, etc. as I work to build simulations.
  5. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be able to search for existing decision models, so that I can view how assets have been associated with decision model components in the past.
    This will help be identify where prior work can be leveraged to build a simulation or where new work must be created.
  6. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be able to run test simulations, potentially in a sandbox environment with sample data or models, so that I can debug the models, assets, and simulation design and can characterize the computational requirements of the simulation.
  7. As a Decision Simulation Builder, I want to be ale to define the types of computational resources that are necessary to run the components of those simulations.